This video deals with the very basic and preliminary steps that you should initiate while setting up a vending machine – positioning and plug-in. To start with, position the machine at least four inches from the wall. This is particularly to encourage airflow that can help the machine operate efficiently. Importantly, ensure that your machine’s power button is off before you plug it into the wall.  

The machine must be positioned at least 4” from the wall. This is very important for good airflow so the refrigeration unit can operate efficiently. Foam blocks (Kit #1216062.352) can be helpful when positioning your machine. Be sure to mount them vertically and NOT horizontally.

Examining the air filter and replacing it with a new one is the first step in refrigeration unit maintenance. We recommend replacing your air filter every three months. Check the evaporator coil and fan for frosting. By placing the machine in service mode, you can check the condition of the fan and compressor. It’s also imperative you keep the machine four inches away from the wall to allow for free air flow circulation. If the machine is still not cooling, ensure the cold food and temperature settings are correct.

For a full scale service of your refrigeration unit, check out this detailed video. View more refrigeration system videos here. You can also find additional assistance at our Help Center.

Language: English
Product Type: Delivery
Difficulty: Easy
Duration:5 Minutes or less
Models: 3576, 3577

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