Vending Technology: Don't Be in the Dark, Light Up Your Vending Machine with LED Lights - Vendnet

led lighting kits for vending machineThere is no question that LED lighting options are one of the most popular types of lighting used today. LED lights are efficient, bright and last longer than traditional options. This is why they are often seen used in homes, businesses, for street lamps and even in vehicles. One of the newest applications for LED lighting is in vending machines.

With vending machines popping up all over the place and vending machine services having to be called for bulb replacement often, a new option for lighting these machines has been developed. With LED lighting, the bulbs do not have to be replaced as often and ensure what is inside can be clearly seen – regardless of what time at day or night the machine is being used.

There are a number of benefits offered by using this lighting option, which include:

  • A low voltage option: The vending machine LED lights will plug into the existing 24 volt power sources. There is no need for auxiliary transformers for these kits.
  • Clear view of available products: When the lighting is successfully installed, those interested in purchasing something will have a clear view of what is for sale. Also, the bulbs are arranged in a way to illuminate the vending machine evenly, which prevents dim or dark sections.
  • Save energy: LED lights can lead to a power savings of up to 60 percent.
  • Extended bulb life: LED bulbs can last up to five to 10 years.
  • No toxic materials: With fluorescent bulbs, you run the risk of exposing users to mercury, which is toxic.

When you have successfully installed LED bulbs you will also not have to invest in as many service calls. This means when a vending machine needs to be worked on, it will not be the bulbs that have to be replaced; however, this will not minimize the need for other vending machine parts, which is something to keep in mind.

Also, since you are not having to call for service on the vending machine as often, you will not have to pay as much. This will save you quite a bit of time and money.

When you choose LED lights for your vending machine, they brighten the items that are inside and this will help to encourage them to make a purchase. When the vending machine is dark and the items are not able to be clearly seen, a person may be hesitant to actually make a purchase. As a result of this increased sales, the ROI on the LED lighting will be seen almost immediately.

When it comes to vending machines, takes some time to make sure yours is able to be used at all times, day and night, and that the cost of repairs and replacement bulbs is not excessive. If it is, then changing to LED bulbs may be the best solution for you and your bottom line.

Led lightingLed lighting kitsLights for vending machineVending machine accessoriesVending machine partsVending machine repairVendnet usa

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