Quick Ways To Troubleshoot That Jammed Bill or Coin Acceptor In Your Vending Machine - Vendnet

In the blink of an eye, a bill acceptor or coin mechanism can go from operating like a well-oiled machine to being jammed and unresponsive. What was once a simple installation can become something that requires some serious troubleshooting. Caught off guard by this turn of events, you might have asked yourself, “What do I do now?” This blog post explains why these devices get jammed and the instructions to troubleshoot them.

Why Do Bill and Coin Acceptors Get Jammed?

Bill and coin acceptors are designed to withstand the heavy use associated with retail businesses. However, they can still become jammed and cause some serious troubleshooting issues. The most common reasons these devices become jammed is due to:  

Dust & dirt  - Over time it is common for these mechanisms to accumulate dust and dirt, which can be easily removed.

Old or worn out parts - The mechanical bits on the bill and coin acceptors wear out after repeated use. This is where common machine maintenance is important.

Incorrect Use -  Careless handling of the bill acceptors and mechanisms can lead to avoidable repairs. For example, the device can misbehave if fed with a bill with a large piece of paper wrapped around it.

Improper installation - Proper installation of the bill acceptor or coin mechanism is critical for long-lasting success with these devices. You can avoid this by letting us serve you on-site. 

Instructions to Troubleshoot a Jammed Bill or Coin Acceptor

If you notice that a bill or coin acceptor in your vending machine is jammed, don’t panic. You can often clear the jam with basic troubleshooting. 

Evaluation: First of all, take a few minutes to look around the vending machine to see if you can spot the source of the problem. Are there any foreign objects near the coin or bill area that don’t belong? Are there any visible obstructions? If you notice something out of the ordinary, remove it.  


Inspection: Next, you’ll want to thoroughly inspect the interior parts of the bill or coin mechanism to see if you can identify the cause of the jam. A tip here is to check for the number of LED flashes on the bill acceptor. For example, a single flash is a sure indication that the bill or coin path is jammed. 


Now, you may follow the steps provided in these videos to troubleshoot your jammed bill or coin acceptor within minutes: 


Bill Acceptor Jam Troubleshooting



Coin Mechanism Jam Troubleshooting



If the Slot Where Bills are Inserted is Dirty: Clean it

The bill validator may become jammed if dirt or debris is found in the slot where you insert bills. We suggest cleaning the slot with a soft cloth or a pencil eraser. Please be careful not to use cleaning chemicals in the slot. Sometimes, a simple cleaning won’t fix the problem. This is when you may need to replace the sensor of the device.

If the Gears are Stripped: Get it Replaced 

If the gears of your device have been stripped, you can usually fix the problem with a quick cleaning of the mechanism. However, if the gears are severely stripped, you may need to replace the parts. This is a delicate job and may require the support of a certified technician. If you try to do it yourself, you risk damaging the mechanism even more.

If Your Slot’s Spring is Broken: Replace it

If the spring that pulls bills from the slot is broken, you can manually clear the jam by pressing down on the spring. However, it’s best to replace the broken spring as soon as possible.

 For more help with your payment systems check out our video tutorial library. Do you need to replace your bill validator or coin mechanism? Contact our Tech Center for more support. 

Bill acceptorBill validatorConlux bill validator

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