Hot Beverage Vending: Choosing the Right Coffee Vending - Ground vs. Freeze-Dried - Vendnet

coffee vending machine partsMany vending machine customers are grateful to see a hot beverage option. Coffee sales are a profitable and rewarding line for your vending enterprise. However, whether you offer freeze dried or fresh ground should depend on your business’s specific circumstances.

Nothing beats the scent and flavor of fresh coffee. When you offer this in your machines, the aroma does a lot of your marketing for you. And, because of the higher quality, you can charge more per cup, increasing your profits substantially.

However, there are many situations where freeze-dried coffee would be the right choice for your machines. Freeze-dried coffee is far lighter than ground coffee or beans. This means that shipping of your supplies will cost you less. It is also less labor-intensive to carry on your route if you have several machines in an area you need to service. Freeze-dried coffee has a longer shelf life. This can make it a better choice for a low traffic machine. It also means that you can save by buying in bulk.

No matter which you choose, make sure that your machines stay in good working order with quality coffee vending machine parts. Fortunately, Vend Net offers drink machine parts for a wide range of models.

Coffee vending machine partsDrink machine parts

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